About Charlottesville Country Properties

Cooperation with area brokers, MLS, Buyer Brokerage

Charlottesville Country Properties Ltd. is a member of the Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors Multiple Listing System and MRIS, a regional MLS which covers most of the Mid-Atlantic. We cooperate fully with all members allowing access to and information on all available properties and to computerized history files. We take seriously our responsibility to provide pertinent, up to date information to buyers and sellers so all our clients can make informed, intelligent decisions. It is not unusual for a well-presented offer to save a purchaser thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars when accompanied by substantiating data. Equally important is our ability to counsel Sellers on market conditions, supply and demand ratios, and current trends. A well-priced property that sells in a reasonable amount of time is always more cost-effective than an overpriced property that takes years to sell after numerous price reductions. Our strength is not only our access to information but how to apply that information on your behalf.

“I thoroughly enjoy the diversity of people and properties that I come in contact with each day. From small cabins in a mountain hollow to some of the grandest estate properties in America, Virginia’s Piedmont region offers something for everyone who yearns for a peaceful country lifestyle.”

“We offer some of the most breathtaking countrysides in the world, four beautiful seasons, and an ambiance in place since Thomas Jefferson fell in love with the area and created the University of Virginia and Monticello.”